Wednesday, November 28, 2012

my first sponge cake

I was super excited when I browse a simple recipe and method to make a sponge cake. As a newbie, I just discover that there are many types of cakes. I have only baked butter vanilla cake and moist(oil) chocolate cake before. Now that I learned as I browsed, I found that sponge cake is called sponge because of the method is different, thus produce spongy textured cake. For butter cake, the core process is creaming the butter + sugar until light and fluffy. But for sponge cake, the core process is to beat the eggs until fluffy. But most sponge cake recipe I found on internet called for separating the whites and the yolks, to beat the whites alone before folding into flour mixture. But hey, as I told you in the beginning, I saw this recipe on youtube by BakeLikeAPro which doesn't need the eggs to be separated! Yeeeeha! Because I can't imagine handling the mess to beat yolks, then wash the bowl, beat whites. You know, you have to really clean the bowl and the whisk so that the egg whites beaten won't fail to form meringue. So, this recipe is kinda hero for my situation(or preference).


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  1. Beat eggs 5 minutes until light n fluffy, while adding the vanilla and salt, and sugar
  2. Sift in flour
  3. Fold the mixture
  4. Pour the mixture into baking pan, tap to release air bubbles
  5. Bake at 170degree


my first sponge cake

alphabetical cookie cutters

When I was looking for the biscuit pump set, I stumbled upon these guys: alphabetical cookie cutters. OMG I was super excited to bake this! Good news is, it comes along with the cookie recipe behind the package. Awesome!

Rainbow cake maniac

So since I know rainbow cake, it has attracted me to bake again. I mean, I haven't bake any real cake before, only cupcakes, and very few cupcakes. Why am i so attracted to rainbow? Is it because my life is dull? There, there.. start to think too much again...
Ok, what I mean is, who is the inventor of this brilliant cake? It is a surprise cake. White outside, only plain cake. Oh. just a cake. But not until you CUT a slice and see the rainbow layers...oh lovely! What a nice, lovely surprise (though nowadays cake decorators have improved the outer design to be colorful, but the original idea is still the best).
So here it is, my first rainbow cake, after searching tons of recipes across the blogs on internet...
really love the color-before icing
layers with buttercream frosting

after frosted- this is my first time icing a whole cake, I don't have turn table and spatula/scrapper, which i found out to be necessary for smoothing the frosting

after being cut - oh wow, i was so amazed at myself. Did I really make this? Oh my God, beautiful! And tasted good too! 
a piece of rainbow cake

Oh i have to get the turntable and the offset spatula, and the scrapper too. House of Ingredients, wait for me! Someday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cookies using Biscuit pump set

So one day I went to an ordinary grocery shop in Penang, on the way back to Kuala Lumpur. I know the upstairs part was where they put all baking essentials, and I remember old biscuit pump that looks like my mother's. So there I went there again trying to search for that antique fellow. But to my surprise they have rearrange the stocks and i couldn't find the thing. I kept searching and finally found a 'gang' of cookie cutters, at the corner of the wall, covered with dust, looking unwanted. (Hey betul ke English aku ni, dah teruk beno dah). So there I found several unwanted things, but treasures for me. introducing, old fashioned (not so old, because my mum's version was made of metal, and had to be ordered) biscuit pump:
And what excites me more, it comes in set: wire cutter and 8 shapes. I remember my mum's biscuit pump can only produce round biscuit, and had to cut the dough with thread. Do you wonder how this works? Let see the result first:

Do you still wonder how it works? Simply make 2 strips of cookie dough(one is colored), put side by side and make it one stripe, stuff it inside the pump, press, cut, press, cut, press cut, until the dough finished.... simple....

Entah dan keentahan

English o Malay? How am i supposed to write in MY blog? I know, it's MY blog, but it will be read by many. So I can't regard MY blog as MY own diary, because it's kinda media. People read. If I expect people to read, then this is not a diary. This is what you want people read, and see. See, I have been changing blogs, keep creating new blogs, but none of them successful, in sense of 'have something meaningful' to be shared. Now I am in dilemma what language to use. Dear, Just write, share, post, and don't think too much. This is because I am afraid people will judge me when my English is poor in vocabs n grammar n etc. Well, don't write anything at all then, if you are afraid to be judged. Hey, can you just focus n share whatever u wanna share? Don't think too much! Aishhhh......

So, good luck, blog. And me.